Mountain Bar System

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The mountain bar system is designed to train basic to advanced bar shaping. The system includes a wooden bar attached to a steel frame built into two layers of mats that maximises stability and offers endless versatility in training. It takes bar skills and shaping to the next level. The specially engineered wooden bar rail is attached to steel framing that secures the bar to a firm foam bottom mat. A gentle sloping top mat provides an extra curve that is the key to maximising bar drills and conditioning.

This system can be used for a wide range of skills. Athletes can confidently practice beginner skills such as squat-ons and tap swing shaping. Advanced athletes will use it for giant swing shaping, Tkatchev drills and more without fear of the bar moving or shifting.

The full mountain bar system comes with three pieces. The wooden rail is made of beech and measures 90cm long and is attached to a steel frame that is engineered to fit securely in the firm foam bottom mat. Velcro flaps hold the frame to the bottom mat securely. The sloping mountain bar top mat also has Velcro to secure the entire system together. Its 90cm wide by 1.2m long footprint (excluding bar overhang of 20cm) makes it an excellent option for a bar side station and a compatible choice with the t-trainer, smart spotting blocks and the vault base blocks offering even more training options.

If you already have a t-trainer you can purchase the mountain bar base which includes the bar and bottom mat. The t-trainer, combined with the mountain bar base is ideal for more dynamic bar training drills. Available individually as a base and top unit or as a complete unit - please select the item you require from the drop-down menu.

Designed with the optimal shape for the tight arch and hollow on uneven bars
The gently sloping top mat allows for many shaping possibilities
The 3.8cm Beech wooden rail which measures 90cm long and is attached to a steel frame that is nestled between the layers of the mats ensuring maximum stability
The bar attachment secures to the mat so it will not move during use
The system comes in three pieces

Dimensions & specifications:
90cm wide by 1.2m long footprint (excluding bar overhang of 20cm)
Available as a base or top unit and as a complete unit
Compatible with the t-trainer, smart spotting block and vault base blocks
Guarantee and Warranty is 24 months on materials and workmanship
Designed in the USA

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